What is too comfortable?

Monday just gone, I decided it was finally time to leave Otavalo. I could have stayed much longer, however I did not think it too healthy to feel so comfortable somewhere so early on in the trip? And I think you know it´s time to move on when the staff in the local cafes know you on a first name basis, your hostal owner is inviting you for wine and a game of cards most evening´s and the local security guard wants to take you home to meet the family!
I was still about for the official closing of the Fiesta Yamor which was great. Not nearly as extravagent as the opening, but a lot of fun all the same. Another parade, this time in the morning and only an hour long thank god! A great night of musica followed. The three piece boyband were a treat and their dance moves were just sensational. Had they have been around 10 years ago, I am sure they would have been top of the international boyband circuit!
I really would highly recommend this part of the world to anyone passing through. You have to stop for at least a few days and enjoy all it has to offer! It´s safe, the people are so friendly, the Indian culture and tradition is still so alive and respected. The beautiful, traditionally dressed women in their embroided blouses (which they manage to keep SO white in such a dusty town), their long black skirts and lovely jewellery. The men with their long single plait, sporting their felt hat´s and poncho´s! The women that look about 100, are so tiny, yet lug around all sorts of goods attached to their backs in a sack like contraption which is usually three times larger than the poor women themselves! And of course the kiddies. They are just beautiful with their little cherub faces and long black locks! Aside from the little niña´s with their pierced ears, it is difficult to tell the sexes apart given they all have that beautiful long, black, shiny hair. Add the surrounding countryside which is great for endless exploring, with somewhere new to discover and enjoy at every turn.
For now, I´m back in Quito, a monster of a city which I am not a huge fan of. But I am doing another week of Español lessons here which I am loving. Then before I know it, it will be the 18th and I will be heading off for the much awaited Galapagos Islands! The Galapagos trip alone will kill about two months worth of travel budget, but must be done. Until then...