After experiencing a few drama´s the past couple of weeks, (I won´t bore anyone with the details), I had the urge to escape, be completely unsociable and find a nice beach. So I boarded a boat destined for Colonia, Uruguay. Three hours later I had arrived in Colonia but jumped on the first available bus heading to the small town of La Paloma. La Paloma is a beautiful little spot situated on the south east coast of Uruguay. A tiny town with both bay and surf beaches, beautiful clean & clear turquoise waters, white sand, pine forests, a very laid back feel with enough people about for a nice vibe but by no means too touristy.
My day´s consisted of getting out of bed anytime between 10.00am & midday. Breakfast. Walk 15minutes to the beach. Lay in the sun and swim in the surf until about 6.30pm (no point doing anything before this as everyone is having their siesta!) Walk 1/2 hour to town and potter about the little shops and market. Sit on the bay beach to watch the amazing sunsets. Eat dinner. Walk back to hostel, shower, read and bed. This routine didn´t change much at all until the final night when there was a funky Spanish band playing on the beachfront that I decided to go check out. They were fantastic and had everyone singing and dancing into the wee hours. I think EVERYONE in La Paloma turned up for the big event. From grandparents to toddlers, all of which knew the words to every single song played! When the band had finished playing, I had a little boy all of 3 or 4 years old next to me yelling out for more and demanding a certain song be sung. In front of me I had a woman of about 70 doing the same thing! It was hilarious!
It´s definately one of my favourite things about the Sth Americans, no matter what country you´re in. Entire families come out for fiesta´s and celebrations. I don´t think there is such a thing as a babysitter over here? It doesn´t seem to matter what the occassion, old and young are out having a great time until all hours of the morning. Nobody seems to get tired, cranky or´s just the way life is? I love it. I think everyone in the world should have afternoon siesta´s and evening socialising time for all family & friends to enjoy. What a happy, relaxed world we would be :)
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