Friday, November 17, 2006

A penny for my thoughts?

The downside of travelling alone...

You wake up alone in your hotel room. You feel like someone has sliced open your gut and tied your insides into knots. The better part of the next 36 hours is spent hunched over the toilet bowl. When not hunched over the porcelein, you´re back in bed, desperately hoping for a few minutes sleep to avoid thinking of the pain. You ran out of water hours ago, now knowing you have to find the strength to go and purchase more as dehydration is kicking in. You somehow find the energy to dress and make your way down the hotel stairs and to the closest store which is all of 3minutes away. You wish someone was with you so they could perform what feels like such a difficult task. Some comforting words even, to make you feel a little better. Your back in your room within minutes, yet feel like you have ran a half marathon. Slumped back on the bed fully clothed, you doze off again only to wake to darkness and the unopened bottle of water by your side. You continue to drift in and out of sleep, hearing the muffled voices of hotel guests in the courtyard, wishing you were on the next flight home to your creature comforts and the familiar faces of family and friends...

1 comment:

Lenise said...

Even more reason to hurry up over here and hang out with me for Christmas!